Category: Content
If your content has something to say, say it out loud
There’s been a lot of fuss recently about the iPhone 6s. I got the iPhone 6 Plus last year and it has changed the way I use mobiles. Of course, the primary reason is that it’s bigger. Anyone who’s had …
The Truth About Modern Content
The mantra “Content is King” has been bandied around for years now: it was certainly huge when I started this blog in 2007. As a “content person” I’ve always wanted this to be true, and acted as if it was…
Key facts about keywords
There is still much uncertainty about keywords and it’s not surprising: because keyword “science” is not — and probably never will be — settled at all. The temptation is to “stuff” content with as many relevant words as possible in …
You say potato and I say potato – the language of SEO
Scotland — and the world — lost a whole language last week. Retired engineer Bobby Hogg, the last native speaker of a dialect originating from a remote coastal village in northern Scotland, died aged 92 — and so did …
Getting Google to keep coming back
A friend of mine has recently launched a blog on an unsuspecting world, starting from scratch. She downloaded a copy of WordPress, bought some blog-only web space for a startling £27 a year and took one of the many …
Hidden text that works for everyone!
So hidden text on the web is a BAD THING, we all know that. Gone are the days when it was considered cool to stick loads of words on a page — usually at the bottom — in the …
Adding more content to an image-focused site
My current project — — is meant to be visually attractive. It’s an entertainment experience, after all. Unfortunately, the people who originally designed the site saw it more as a work of art than a sales tool. As …
Content and SEO with a twist
So my latest challenge is a website that some people my find uncomfortable. Smart Live Casino is one of the world’s growing numbers of gambling websites. Smart Live’s “twist” is just that: it’s live roulette, streamed via webcam or …
Going for the one?
The question is, would one database be superior to many? This is, as usual, more complicated that it at first seems. From a practical point of view, the amount of data involved is no great shakes: for example, one might …